About Us

CADoWN is a startup based in india and oman , incorporated to cater the needs of construction industry with prime focus on water, sewer and infrastructure projects.

  • Water Projects (Transmission and distribution pipeline- CS/DI/HDPE/PVC, Reservoirs, Pumping Stations, Surge vessel, FO and SCADA works)
  • Sewer Projects (Network Pipeline – VC/GRP/RCC lined, Manholes, Pumping Station and House Connection).
  • Surface Water and TSE Irrigation Projects (Network Pipeline –RCC/GRP/PVC, Manholes and Chambers, Pumping Stations).
  • Micro tunneling Projects (Deep shaft Excavations, Segmented shaft sinking, direct pipe jacking by slurry shield TBM, Sleeve pipe jacking by slurry shield TBM and carrier pipe installations).
  • Operation and Maintenance works for sewer and water projects including shutdowns,
  • Research in design of underground storage and pipeline network for Hydrogen projects, keeping in view its future scope.
  • Design Management and ERP Implementation for all above verticals - in house projects and outside projects.

The promoters have huge technical and industry experience. this is supported by an ERP system developed fully in house.

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Business Model

Our Startup shall Provide cost effective solutions in design, construction and operation of water and sewer projects. It shall be achieved by implementing our project specific ERP module. Projects shall be executed as the main contractor in collaboration with the established and experienced companies. The government financed projects shall be undertaken. The project cost shall be optimized by controlling the OH and implementing the logistics management in Real Time by our ERP module. The project execution shall also be managed in real time through our ERP module by using desktop and mobile applications.


MOU with experienced companies and preparing tenders based on schematic design and through our ERP system.

MOU shall be signed with experienced and established companies and the projects will be tendered jointly. Stake of 15 to 20% is proposed in MOU. At the time of tendering, the schematic design shall be prepared along with their detailed quantities, memorandum of procedure, resource loading and calculating realistic project cost. Tender Bond, Performance bond and initial capital shall be shared with the partners equally as per the percentage agreed in MOU. All the details shall be worked out at the time of tendering to keep the price competitive and load reasonable profit margins.


Project Execution and monitoring in real time through our ERP module and maintaining the profit margins.

Key persons are mobilized from the beginning of the project. Site team shall be provided with the back office support of logistics, management and material deliveries which are controlled in real time by our ERP module. Each activity is independently priced, planned, executed and monitored using the ERP module. At any given time the activity can be tracked for progress and price.


Design Management, Planning, Contract Management, Handing Over , Operation and Monitoring.

Schematic design is prepared at the time of tendering. The same is developed in detailed design by a third party design agency and coordinated for approval from the client. All submissions and approvals are routed through our ERP module. All the activities are captured and documented into this ERP module which is cloud based and can monitor activities in real time. As-built drawings are also saved on the server and all the details of project are made available online which is beneficial during operation and maintenance period.

Services Offered

Primarily to focus on water, sewer, o&m and hydrogen storage projects


Design & Construction of water projects in oman and india. focus on distribution, transmission pipeline including tunneling, reservoirs and pumping stations.

Shutdown - O & M

Taking up Shutdown works in Oman to connect with existing lines for repair works., operation and maintenance works of water and sewer projects.

Waste water

Design & Construction of Sewage, surface water and tse irrigation projects in oman and india including tunneling and pump stations.

Hydrogen storage

Design and research of hydrogen storage and transmission pipeline projects.

Call To Action

Engineering problems are under-defined, there are many solutions, good, bad and indifferent. The art is to arrive at a good solution. This is a creative activity, involving imagination, intuition and the results of previous experience, our experience team is committed to provide best solutions of your problems. If you need more information pls. contact us

Market Opportunity

Expenditure by the government on Water, Sewer and Infrastructure projects is expected to grow by double digits year after year. Presently in Oman, more than 400 Million OMR value projects have been awarded by PAW which constitute more than 600 KM of pipeline and associated works (reservoirs and pump stations). Similar projects are expected in 2021 and 2022. India is also spending heavily on water pipeline (transmission and distribution), sewer collection and treatment, gas pipelines, irrigation and utilities projects. There is ample opportunity in India and Oman in the next five years. In the coming years, a separate market shall get developed for Hydrogen storage and transportation. For more data, please refer to the below links.

OMR 18 Million + $ 40 Million

Sales Projections in Oman and India

Oman: Projections are made with 20% stake in JV and completing three projects of value OMR 30 Million each in the coming five years.

India: Projections are made completing four projects of value $ 40 Million in the coming five years with 5% royalty stake by others in JV.



There will be competition from design consultants and main contractors / subcontractors who are operating in the industry for quite some time and are well established.


The industry has a colossal volume of water pipeline jobs but lacks specialized contractors to complete these works in a short span of time within a tight budget.

  • There is big gap between planning and implementation.
  • Companies mostly rely on people driven approach.
  • Lack of automation and process monitoring.
  • Project monitoring data is limited only to the top people.
  • One shop solution is not available in the market.
  • Low levels of coordination between the designing and the project team.s
  • Coordination and control is more person driven and not system driven.
  • Digitalization is limited to generating reports and document approvals.
  • Size and volume of projects have increased but companies have not focused on developing the team and adding new resources.
  • Unit price has decreased due to close competition but the method of construction is same old conventional method resulting in cost overruns and delays.


  • A detailed planning and efficient application is needed which requires the implementation of a project specific ERP system.
  • The company has to be system driven and each activity should be centrally controlled, integrated into one ERP and monitored in real time for progress and cost.
  • Extensive use of construction technologies to address the demand in skilled workforce.
  • Project monitoring data has to be collected and analysed in an easy, quick and simple manner.
  • Projects have to executed in whole and not on activity basis starting from tendering.

ERP Demo




Noida – New Delhi

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